Grazie a Sever, esperto e conoscitore della musica popolare america dello scorso secolo, per avermi fatto conoscere quest’artista.

Qui sotto il web ufficiale ove trovare info sulla sua vita e musica:

elizabeth cotten

Canzone della tradizione afro americana.
Cantata dalla nipote di nove anni.
Chitarra suonata splendidamente. Bellissimo e funzionale l’accompagnamento sui bassi.
Il risultato è magico.
Il testo è bello e trasuda di vita.
“Ho dato tutto quello che avavo in pegno ma me la sono spassata”

Intro e giro armonico:

[  C  ][  G  ][     ][  C    ] SONG:
[  C   ][      ][   F   ][       ][       ][  G7  C  ][  C  G7  ][  C  ]

Una presentazione dell’artista: da Maurizio Angeletti.


Have a little song
Won’t take long
Sing it right
Once or twice

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my watch
Pawn my chain
Pawn everything that was in my name

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn by buggy
Horse and cart
Pawn everything that was on my lot

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my chair
Pawn my bed
Ain’t got nowhere to lay my head

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my tobacco
Pawn my pipe
Pawned everything that was in my sight

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Have a little secret
I ain’t gonna tell
I’m going to heaven in a brown pea shell

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my farm
Pawn my plough
Pawned everything, even pawned my old cow

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Pawn my hat
Pawn my shoes
Pawned everything that I could use

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

have a little secret,
I ain’t gonna tell
I’m goin’ to heaven and I ain’t goin’ no…

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned

Chew my tobacco
Spit my juice
We raise cain but it ain’t a bit ‘a use

Oh, lordy me
Didn’t I shake sugaree?
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned
Everything I got is done and pawned.




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